首页Homecrazyfoxspins| Important shareholder Jiang Guoxiang plans to reduce his stake in Huiyuan Communications by 0.52%. Investors need to pay close attention to market trends

crazyfoxspins| Important shareholder Jiang Guoxiang plans to reduce his stake in Huiyuan Communications by 0.52%. Investors need to pay close attention to market trends

时间2024-04-21 22:24:50分类Home浏览7
导读:[Huiyuan Telecom reduced its shares by shareholder Jiang Guoxiang, the number of shares not exceeding 1 million]Financial news flashCra......

[Huiyuan Telecom reduced its shares by shareholder Jiang Guoxiang, the number of shares not exceeding 1 million]

Financial news flashCrazyfoxspins:

Huiyuan Communications recently announced that Jiang Guoxiang, the company's shareholder, plans to reduce his holdings of no more than 1 million shares of the company through centralized bidding within three months after 15 trading days, accounting for about 0% of the company's total share capital.Crazyfoxspins.52%.

Jiang Guoxiang currently holds 10.41 million shares of Huiyuan Telecom and is one of the important shareholders of the company. The reduction plan may have a certain impact on the company's share price, investors need to pay close attention to the relevant information and make prudent decisions.

As a communications equipment manufacturer, Huiyuan Communication has been committed to providing high-quality communication products and services. The reduction of shareholders' holdings will have no significant impact on the company's continuous operation and business development for the time being, and the company will continue to uphold professionalism and create value for shareholders and society.

crazyfoxspins| Important shareholder Jiang Guoxiang plans to reduce his stake in Huiyuan Communications by 0.52%. Investors need to pay close attention to market trends

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